Monday, June 29, 2009

Do you smell something burning???

Why yes... yes you do!

That would be the right half of the bear that you smell!

Since getting my MasterCarver combo unit (burner and micro carver in one) for my birthday, I've had two chances to set down and work on burning in the hair on the bear.

For the right half of the bear this is probably at least 4-5 hours worth of work. The head took me around 3 hours. This hair burning is TEDIOUS work! :) But I love it. The smell of the wood, being able to slowly see it start to turn out as I burn line after line!

I'll have some more to post about the progress now that I have a burner / micro carver! I wouldn't hold my breath that I'll have this project done before my next class starts in the fall (carving out the base and painting everything), but hey... you never know!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Stop the presses!!!

yes, another entry here... amazing how I just can never stop talking.. (not).

I've finally pulled the trigger and purchased the Mastercarver Combo unit from Amy @ Goingbunkers on eBay. After some mis-communication regarding getting a burning pen, it is hopefully finally on it's way!

I am REALLY hoping that with this combo unit I will now be able to complete the burning of my bear's fur as well as begin detail working on the feet and the base for the bear. (oy, don't even get me going on my hesitation in starting the base!!)

Anyway, no clue if anyone actually follow this... maybe it's just a place for me to feel like the big man writing a carving blog. :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Grizzly Bear

The Grizzly Bear is my project for my 2nd carving class.

It's not nearly done yet. I still have to finish burning the hair detail, paint it, as well as carve, paint and mount the bear on the base. My next carving class is in September and I hope to have this project done by then. You can view the photos here:

Bear - Class 2

Rainbow Trout

I have uploaded some pictures of my the first carving, a rainbow trout. You can view them here:

Rainbow Trout - Class 1

In The Beginning


This isn't my first foray into blogging, but it is my first blog about my wood carving.

I hope to have this be a central location for my family & friends to keep up with me on my carvings I'm learning to do and those I will complete.

Bear with me as I figure out how to set up this blog site and my photos from my first carving.